Our reviews

(56 Reviews)
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September 17, 2019
Always good food and friendly people...

September 06, 2019
Good food, super fast delivery with overall great customer service!

August 23, 2019

July 08, 2019
Always delicious and my kids love it!

July 05, 2019
Excellent as always

June 19, 2019
Fabulous food with warm and welcoming staff. The lamb tikka masala has wonderful flavor and the lamb and veggies are cooked to perfection (also shout out to those cut sizes, they were on point). The dal (something I don’t remember) was also fabulous and the naan is a bit thin but just from the smell it makes you feel like home. I had the mild-medium spice and it was just enough to make me uncomfortable but not give my pregnant self heart burn. Will definitely be coming back!